Reaching high for the best for your child

School Blog Reception

School Blog


The blog for Ash, Beech & Birch
Mrs Kirby, Miss Free and Mrs Moore


By Birch class, in Reception - Friday, 3 November 2023

During our Jigsaw lessons this term we will be celebrating our differences. This week, we took turns to tell each other what we were good at. We noticed that some of us were good at the same things and some of were good at different things. We decided this was really good because we could all help each other learn how to become better and learn new skills.

Welcome Back Beech Class

By Miss Weston, in Reception - Friday, 3 November 2023

Hello, welcome back to school. We hope you all had a wonderful half term and enjoyed your Halloween celebrations! 
They have worked really hard in their phonics lessons. this week we learnt the sounds ss, ll, ff and j. The class have been great at writing these sounds and using them to blend words. 

This week we had our first reading lesson! The children loved using their books to practise reading. We hope you enjoy reading at home this weekend. Please keep reading records in book bags so we can use them each day. 

In topic we have been learning about the past and toys. we used our baby photos to look at us now and us as a baby. We also drew pictures of what toys we like now and what toys we liked as a baby.

In Maths we have continued to practise counting. The class are great at remembering our counting rules. We have to count slowly, move the objects into a line and touch each object. See what you can count at home this weekend. 

Super work this week. Have a wonderful weekend!
Miss Weston, Miss Dela and Mrs Kandola


By Birch class, in Reception - Friday, 20 October 2023


By Birch class, in Reception - Friday, 20 October 2023

Thursday was our WOW day. We have now finished our topic 'Incredible Me'. During our topic, we learned all about ourselves. Some of our learning included: celebrating our similarities and differences, sharing our different families and what makes them so very special to us, learning about our feelings and what we could do if we feel sad, angry and happy and learning about our five super senses. During our WOW day we ended our topic by turning ourselves into super hero's, drawing our most favourite things and making the most amazing pumpkin cakes! 

All about us...

By Ash Class, in Reception - Friday, 20 October 2023

This half-term our topic is 'Incredible Me'

We have loved learning about each other and finding out about our families and our hopes and goals

We have dedicated a board in Ash Class where we have displayed drawings of our family, our height measured with string and a dream jar.

We thought about what we want to achieve by the time we leave Reception - we will be asking parents for their hopes for their child soon!



By Birch class, in Reception - Friday, 13 October 2023

This week during our topic lessons, we have been learning all about our senses. We have used our eyes to look for things in our environment, our ears to listen to sounds outside and identify different animal noises, our touch to find, rough, smooth, bumpy, hard and soft objects and taste to identify, sweet, sour and spicy foods. We have great fun tasting some new foods but some of us needed a drink after tasting the spicy radishes!


By Birch class, in Reception - Friday, 13 October 2023

Kind hands are the best! During our Jigsaw lesson, we listened to a story all about how we can use our hands to communicate positively and to help others. Our story showed us that sometimes when we are angry our hands are unkind. Together, we discussed different ways we can regulate our emotions instead of having unkind hands. Tapping, talking and being in the calm corner are our favourite things to do when we get a little angry.


By Birch, in Reception - Friday, 6 October 2023

This week we have been subitising in maths. We have been learning how to recognise small amounts of objects without even counting them. It has helped us to be super quick mathematicians. We learned that as long as the amount of objects are the same they have an equal value. We used numicon, natural resources, Lego and dice to compare amounts.  We would really like to show you our subitisng skills at home too. Try showing us some playing cards or a dice so we can impress you. 

Birch class

By Mrs Kirby, in Reception - Friday, 22 September 2023

Wow. What another busy week in Birch class! This week, we have learned the phonemes: m, n, d, p. We have tried our hardest to write the graphemes on our white boards and searched for objects in our environment that match the initial sounds. We have been busy learning about the different areas  in our classroom. We have visited the climbing tree, swing, construction area, where we created some complex buildings, the art and design area, where we demonstrated our skills of colour mixing, the outside music area, where we learned how to change the tone of the music by using a variety of equipment to bang our instruments. Some of us also wanted to brave the rain so we learned how to use the waterproofs and wellies too! 

Great Work Beech Class!

By Beech Class, in Reception - Friday, 22 September 2023

We have had another wonderful week in Beech class. We have made even more friends, learnt even more sounds and even started Subitising! Miss Weston and Mrs Kandola are beyond impressed with their hard work and positive attitudes. It has been great to see the children come into school more positively, we hope this continues!

This week we have learnt the sounds i, n, m and d. We have also started to learn to blend the sounds back together. In the afternoons, we have been learning about the areas in our environment. This has been really fun and helpful. We have learnt lots of ideas of what we can do in our independent time. We even learnt how to climb a tree!

Today, we had a special visitor from Nursery. Andy the frog came to see us! Nursery found him in their outside area. We loved spending time with him, thank you Nursery! Have a look at our pictures to see us in action. 

Have wonderful weekend!