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School Blog Reception Reception

School Blog


The blog for Ash, Beech & Birch
Mrs Kirby, Miss Free and Miss Weston


By Birch class, in Reception - Thursday, 9 November 2023

This week in reception we have been exploring and learning more new skills. In maths we learned how to measure length and height using the key words, long, short, tall and short so in our outside area we had a painty teabag throwing competition. We dipped our teabags in pant and threw them as far as we could. After we had impressed Mrs Kirby with our throwing skills, we measured the length the teabags had traveled with our footsteps. The longest teabag travelled 14 of Mrs Kirby's footsteps and the shortest travelled 4 footsteps.  What can you measure using footsteps at home?

In our mud kitchen, we found a selection of flowers and dried flowers so we set about making a range of culinary delights. We made a fragrant cold soup with bay leaves, a fruit, petal salad and a scrumptious mud muffin. We also decorated a few stones with our favourite fruits  and vegetables so we can make our meals even more sensational! Of course we make lots of mess as it is a very busy kitchen but don't worry, Mr Sharp our site manager has installed a wonderful water pump to help us with washing up. We can show you our washing up skills at home too. 

In our topic lessons, we have been learning about toys in the past and present. We researched toys that children played with many years ago and realised that we still play with some of them now. We were surprised to see, toy cars, marbles and teddies were popular in the past. While we were researching our toys, we had a visit from Amy who was selling poppies. Some of us wondered why we buy poppies so we found out that we wear poppies to support people that served in the war many years ago to help their countries.