Reaching high for the best for your child

School Blog Year 3 Egyptian WOW day

School Blog

Year 3

The blog for Hazel, Hornbeam & Holly
Miss Ferguson, Mrs Marlow and Mrs Johnson

Egyptian WOW day

By Kim Ferguson, in Year 3 - Tuesday, 4 October 2022

Our Egyptian wow day will be on Monday 17th October. 
The children will be taking part in a range of art and design technology activities to celebrate the end of our incredible topic.
Children are invited to come into school dressed in Egyptian costume. This could include a Pharoah (King), a goddess, a mummy (think bandages). Please do not feel you need to spend a huge amount of money. A great DIY costume could include an oversized t shirt, a belt around to turn it into a dress and a paper plate made into a necklace. We look forward to seeing your costumes and celebrating the end of our topic.