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School Blog Year 3 Mindful walk in the woods

School Blog

Year 3

The blog for Hazel, Hornbeam & Holly
Miss Ferguson, Mrs Marlow and Mrs Johnson

Mindful walk in the woods

By Year 3, in Year 3 - Saturday, 11 February 2023

Our topic this half term has been based upon the text 'The Midnight Fair'. We have been learning about woodland habitats and the creatures that live there. As we have also been celebrating Children's Mental Health week this week, we thought it was the perfect opportunity to go for a mindful walk to woods! 

It was a long walk but we had a brilliant time exploring the habitat. We identified trees by their leaves, seeds and trunks, we found some very small wildlife down on the ground and we spotted some of the first signs of spring! 

Thank you very much to all of the grown ups who joined us on our walk, you made it even more exciting for us!