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School Blog Year 6

School Blog

Year 6

The blog for Willow, Whitebeam & Walnut
Mr Tweeddell, Miss Shields and Mrs Barnett

Superior Skills!

By Willow Class , in Year 6 - Friday, 22 November 2024

This morning, we wrapped ourselves up and got outside for our PE session of football. To begin with, we practised our dribbling and passing skills before having interceptors who tried to gain possession of the ball. We ended with mini matches where we had to work collaboratively and come up with different plays that meant when to dribble and when to pass. Here are some pictures of our skills! 

Wisp - A story of Hope!

By Willow Class , in Year 6 - Friday, 8 November 2024

Our new writing unit, that we will be focusing on over the next few weeks, is call 'Wisp'. It is a beautifully illustrated, inspiring book and we thoroughly enjoyed reading it and exploring the language in today's lesson. After writing down all the effective vocabulary on our whiteboards, we used this to create shared poems. 

Willow Class Homework

By Willow Class , in Year 6 - Friday, 25 October 2024

This half term, lots of the children have worked incredibly hard on their homework projects linked to our topic of island life. They picked different Caribbean islands to research and then chose how to present this learning. Mrs Barnett was absolutely blown away by the effor that the children put into these projects - here are a few for you to see! 
It has been a brilliant half term is Willow Class so far and everyone is ready for a well-deserved break! See everyone on Monday 4th November! 

WOW Day Antics!

By Willow Class , in Year 6 - Wednesday, 23 October 2024

We have had an absolutely brilliant WOW Day in Year 6! We started our morning by making our own periscopes which link to our science topic of light. We discussed how and when these are used and after we made our own, we wrote down instructions on how to do so for others to follow. To finish off our morning, we decorated them and then went to spy on some other classes - we were pretty stealthy but eventually, we were caught! During the afternoon, we watching the film 'Hidden Figures', which is based on a true story and links to our learning about Katherine Johnson for Black History Month. We found it moving and thoroughly enjoyed! 

School Council Rep!

By Willow Class , in Year 6 - Friday, 18 October 2024

It was an exciting end of the day in Willow Class yesterday as we listened to all our applicants for the role of school council representative give their speeches. We couldn't believe that 16 of us wanted the position! Mrs Barnett was blown away by the effort put into our speeches and how clearly we spoke. It was a close call but this is our winner - please welcome Willow Class' school council representative 2024-2025! 

Black History Month learning!

By Willow Class , in Year 6 - Friday, 11 October 2024

Today, we kicked off our learning for Black History Month by finding out all about the Windrush Generation! We started by looking at how people in Britain responded to people from the Caribbean arriving in Britain to supporting during World War 2. Afterwards, we watched a video and noted down all the information about the Empire Windrush journey in 1948. There was so much information that our mind maps filled up our pages! We look forward to continuing this learning next week. 

Willow Class Assembly!

By Willow Class , in Year 6 - Thursday, 10 October 2024

Willow Class have had so much fun performing their class assembly today! They performed to Sherwood Forest this morning and then performed to their adults this afternoon. All children did such a fantastic job at narrating and acting out the storyline of their core text: Coming to England by Floella Benjamin. Thank you so much to all the adults who attended - we hope you enjoyed! 

Phenomenal Presentations!

By Willow Class , in Year 6 - Thursday, 3 October 2024

In today's Georgaphy lesson, we were presenting our learning on a double page spread. We have been learning all about the similarities and differences between the UK and the Caribbean. Our comparisons included: houses, beaches, weather and even fruit! We put such effort into our work and we were incredibly independent - Mrs Barnett is really impressed! 

Incredible Investigations!

By Willow Class , in Year 6 - Wednesday, 25 September 2024

In today's Science lesson, we conducted an investigation linked to our topic: light. We used torches and opaque objects to create shadows which we measured. We investigated how the distance between the torch and the object affects the size of the shadow. Now that our investigation is complete, we will be presenting our findings in the next lesson! 

Amazing Acting!

By Willow Class, in Year 6 - Thursday, 19 September 2024

During one of our English sessions this week, we had to bring an image to life by creating a story for it. We worked incredibly hard to come up with different storylines for the image and lots of our groups even had a narrator to help guide the story. Mrs Barnett was extremely impressed with our acting skills!