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School Blog Year 6

School Blog

Year 6

The blog for Willow, Whitebeam & Walnut
Mr Tweeddell, Miss Shields and Mrs Barnett

Willow Class’ World Book Day!

By Willow Class , in Year 6 - Thursday, 7 March 2024

In Willow Class, we have had an absolutely fantastic World Book Day! We started off by reading the book that Miss Hodgson chose: The Impossible by Tom Percival. We discussed what we liked about this book and how it made us feel. Throughout the day, we have been completing a range of tasks related to this story. We started off by creating our own invisible messages with wax in Science and our partners had to reveal them using water colours. We then completed an Art task where we followed a tutorial to draw the main character, Isabelle, lead by Tom Percival himself! We also wrote a diary entry from Isabelle’s point of view, sharing how we thought she may have felt at different points of the story. We finished off our day by reading the books that the other two year 6 classes have been looking at today. All in all, it has been a great day! Enjoy the pictures of some of our tasks and our outfits (including lots of Hogwarts students)!

How to maintain a healthy circulatory system!

By Willow Class , in Year 6 - Friday, 16 February 2024

The end of half term brings an end to one of Willow Class' favourite topics so far! To conclude all of the brilliant learning that we have completed, we made our own leaflets all about how to maintain a healthy circulatory system. We spent time ensuring that our leaflets are informative and eye-catching.

Here are some of the things we have learnt this half term that we have included in our leaflets:

"The circulatory system is made up of three body parts: the heart, the blood and the blood vesslels." 

"Fatty deposits can lead to strokes and heart attacks." 

"Blood is made up of plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets."

"Capillaries are the smaller blood vessels." 

"Dairy can help keep our bones healthy." 

"The heart has four chambers: left atrium, right atrium, left ventricle, right ventricle."

We have had a brilliant half term in Willow Class and we have definitely earned a rest! Have a fantastic half term and we will see you on Monday 22nd February! 

Delightful Dissection!

By Year 6 Teachers , in Year 6 - Thursday, 15 February 2024

Yesterday, Year 6 celebrated the end of their 'Heartbeat' topic with an exciting pig heart dissection. They were able to see all their learning about the heart in the flesh and explore the four chambers through this dissection. The children were excellent scientists and they were able to describe each part of the heart in thorough detail which impressed all the adults, including Miss Free who came to visit! 

Clay creations!

By Willow Class , in Year 6 - Tuesday, 13 February 2024

During today's Art lesson, we were experimenting with clay. We manipulated the clay and moulded into the shape of a human heart before then adding detail such as the valves and the veins. It was a fantastic and engaging lesson and all children are proud of what they produced! 

SATs information evening

By Year 6 Teachers , in Year 6 - Friday, 9 February 2024

A huge thank you to all of the parents and carers who attended the SATs information evening on Wednesday. We hope that you took a lot away from it and any questions you had were answered. 

A number of people have requested a copy of the slides that we used - the office has attempted to send them out however if there are any issues, a copy can be found attached to this blog.

Please contact your child's teacher if you have any further questions or queries. 

Mr Tweeddell, Miss Brooker and Miss Hodgson 

Children’s Mental Health Week

By Willow Class , in Year 6 - Friday, 9 February 2024

This week is Children's Mental Health Week and the theme is 'my voice matters'. We watched an online assembly about this and then completed an activity called the swirl. On our swirl, we put everything that is important to us in everyday life and then added things that are important to us in the wider world.

Here are pictures of a few from Willow Class.

Some of the things that are important to us are: our pets, our family, sunshine, exercise, learning, countries where we are from and games that we enjoy playing. 

Safer Internet Day

By Willow Class , in Year 6 - Tuesday, 6 February 2024

Today is Safer Internet Day so we have been taking part in some activities linked to this. To start with, we watching a video that was sharing how to stay safe whilst using AI. We then completed a range of tasks and finished by creating a poster all about how to stay safe online. 
Here is how the children in Willow Class stay safe online: 

"I don't click on random links."

"You can make sure that photos aren't fake by looking closely at them."

"Respect each other."

"Don't talk to strangers because they may be older or younger than you think."

Our dream for the world!

By Willow Class , in Year 6 - Friday, 2 February 2024

This half term, in our Jigsaw lessons, we have been discussing dreams and goals. We started by thinking about our own dreams and goals before setting steps to achieve these. We then moved onto discussing our dreams for the world and we wanted to share some of these. 
Here are the dreams of some of the children in Willow Class: 

"My dream for the world is for bullying to cease to exist."

"My dream for the world is for everyone to have a home and food."

"My dream is for the world to go to school to learn and study hard. I want them to always focus on their studies so that they can have a great future."


Awesome Angles!

By Willow Class , in Year 6 - Monday, 22 January 2024

A new week brings with it a new Maths topic: angles! Today's lesson consisted of recognising and naming different types of angle. We discussed key language such as interior, exterior, obtuse, acute and reflex. Once we had all become angle experts, we created our own information pages. These will help us with our revision and they will also be used to support the Year 5s with their learning! 

Brilliant blood making!

By Willow Class , in Year 6 - Friday, 19 January 2024

Our objective in yesterday's Science lesson was to learn about the four components of blood and their functions. To support this, we made our very own blood! We used: marshmallows for white blood cells; oats for platelets; rice crispies and red food colouring for red blood cells and water and yellow food colouring for plasma. 
It was a fantastic lesson!