For Your Information
The summer holidays will finally be here at 215pm on Tuesday 23rd July and hopefully the sun will make an extended appearance too!
There are lots of things available to families throughout the summer and we have displayed this information on the noticeboards in the alleyway between the main gates to both sites. We have listed activities to do, cheap or free places for children to eat and information about courses happening for families supporting children with additional needs. Don't forget to take a photo when you are collecting your child at the end of the day!
We are aware that the holidays are not always easy as normal routine and everyday life is suddenly changed (and that's for children too, not just us adults!). If you are finding it challenging, then please visit our website page which lists the support agencies available: Signposts to support home adults
We hope you all have an enjoyable break and can't wait to see you back on Wednesday 4th September for another exciting year ahead!
School Blog Year 2

School Blog

Year 2

The blog for Elm, Elder & Fir
Mrs Toll, Mrs Edwards and Mrs Mclean

This is me day in Fir class!

By Fir class, in Year 2 - Tuesday, 9 July 2024

To start the day off, we looked at the story 'Amazing' by Steve Antony and discussed how Zibbo was a good friend. We identifed that Zibbo was different but that he made his friend happy. We then made our own dragon puppets and when we opened the dragon, we wrote about our special abilities. We also had circle time to discuss what makes us special and loved sharing what makes us different. We were very honest and brave! 

It is Me Day

By Elder Class, in Year 2 - Tuesday, 9 July 2024

We have had a great day thinking about why we are all so Amazing! We listened to the story Amazing by Steve Antony and then made dragons of our own. We all learnt something new about each other and what makes us all special.

We have had the best day!

Allotment Trip

By Elder Class, in Year 2 - Tuesday, 9 July 2024

Elder Class had an amazing time visiting our local allotment. We were able to plant radish and rocket seeds. We also saw a scarecrow, a green house, apple trees and pears trees. We learnt how to keep slugs away from plants and why insects like to live on allotments. 

To the allotment!

By Elm class , in Year 2 - Tuesday, 9 July 2024

We had a great time visiting the allotments today! 

We were shown around by some very knowledgable gardeners who answered all of our questioned and showed us many wonderful plants and vegetables that were growing in their gardens. 

Did you know there are over 30 types of pear tree and over 2500 types of apple tree! 

We saw lots of wildlife too, including some tiny forgs. 

Our Allotment Trip!

By Fir Class, in Year 2 - Tuesday, 9 July 2024

We went on a school trip to the allotments today. First we had a tour around the allotments and went on a bug hunt. We saw snails, slugs, a baby frog and a bird. We also learnt about the different plants that were grown there including gooseberries and strawberries. We also saw apple and pear trees! We loved looking at the compost heap too! Afterwards, we plants our own radishes and had to carefully fill our plant pots with soil and water them. We had the best morning! 

Science day in Elm Class

By Elm Class, in Year 2 - Friday, 14 June 2024

We have been so lucky to hear from alot of people who work within science throughout the day. Our exciting morning started with Mrs Dale who spoke to us about the company she works for within Engineering and found out that engineers have built or taken part in the building, of lots of things around us. 

We met Ethan, who works as a wastewater modeller and he spoke to us all about climate change and how he investigates urban dainage to prevent flooding. 

We then completed an experiment, investigating the right environments for seeds to grow and learned all about a Botanist called Emma Williams.

In the afternoon we had an assembly with Dr Chennell and Mr Rigby from Nikon who talked to us about how they use microscopes in their job to research medicines. We even got to have a look through the microscopes!

Science Day in Fir Class!

By Fir Class, in Year 2 - Friday, 14 June 2024

We have had the best day in Fir class during Science day. Firstly, we read 'Greta and the Giants' and discussed climate change. We made posters to show how we could help look after our planet Earth. We then went to an assembly and listened to a STEM ambassador called Ethan. He knew lots of information all about our climate! It was fasinating listening to all of his science facts. After, we learnt about Emma Williams, a famous Scientist. Later, we went to the hall and had a workshop with Dr Chennell and Dr Rigby about miscroscopes. We had the chance to use the microscopes to look at slugs, other insects and lots of different plants. It was the best day ever!

Science Day

By Elder Class, in Year 2 - Friday, 14 June 2024

Elder Class have had a super Science Day today. First we read the story of Greta and the Giants which helped us think of things we could do to help save our planet. We then meet Ethan who talked to us about climate change and how he works as a wastewater modeller investigating our urban drainage networks to prevent flooding.

We then learnt about another scientist called Emma Williams who is a Botanist. She told us why she loves being a Botanist and what her job involves.

We completed an experiment, investigating the right environments for seeds to grow.

Finally we met Dr Chennell and Mr Rigby from Nikon who talked to us about how he uses microscopes in his job to research medicines.

We have had the best day ever!  

Super Joe!

By Elm Class, in Year 2 - Thursday, 13 June 2024

This week we have been getting into superhero scenarios and thinking like a super hero! 

We have been using the past progressive tense to describe major events in our stories. 


Super Joe was running quickly when a ginormous rhino came towards him! 

Super Joe was saving helpless passengers when the tremendous train came off the track! 

Super Joe was swimming silently when a dangerous Megladon came slithering by and ate him up! 

Wow morning in Elm Class!

By Elm Class, in Year 2 - Friday, 24 May 2024

 Elm class had a fantastic James and the giant peach day full of exciting activities! They made fruit kebabs, designed peach collages and completed observational paintings of a peach using watercolours.

Thank you so much to all the adults who joined us this morning!