Reaching high for the best for your child

School Blog Year 2

School Blog

Year 2

The blog for Elm, Elder & Fir
Mrs Marlow, Mrs Edwards and Mrs Mclean

Maths in Elm Class

By Elm Class, in Year 2 - Friday, 11 October 2024

In Maths, Year 2 have been learning about place value. We had to regroup 2 digit numbers using tens and ones. We used a hundred square to physically help us when counting past benchmarks. Everyday, we complete 'number of the day' and we are now really good at identifying tens and ones, writing the number in words and also identifying one more and one less. 

The Great Fire of London

By Elder Class, in Year 2 - Tuesday, 8 October 2024

Children in Elder Class have been busy doing homework projects connected to our topic of The Great Fire of London.

Some of us decided to make models of houses and some of us created some awesome pictures.

Well done Elder Class! 

Great Fire of London Art

By Fir Class, in Year 2 - Friday, 4 October 2024

This week the children have really enjoyed creating a front cover for their current topic on the Great Fire of London. They used a watercolour wash for the flame background, and then used strips of black paper to collage burnt out bulidings in the foreground. The children did and amazing job, as you can see, they are very proud of the finished pictures. They all wanted to take them home to show their families, but these pictures will be stuck into their topic books ready for you to look at for parents' evening. 

Computing in Elder class

By Elder Class, in Year 2 - Wednesday, 25 September 2024

We have been looking at recognising the uses and features of information technology​ in our Computing lessons. We spoke about why we have information technlogy and where would we find it. 

The children enjoyed learning that information technology are computers, have a computer inside or devices that work with computers. We then discussed some examples of devices we've seen or used before such as a printer, a laptop or an ipad. 

Option task to continue this learning at home;

Ask your child if they can point out any information technology you have within the home or if you're on a walk, can you spot any devices outside?


Using Money in Elm Class

By Elm Class, in Year 2 - Tuesday, 24 September 2024

In Maths, we have been learning about place value in two digit numbers. We used money to help us and had to share the money into tens and ones. For example we know that 34p has 3 tens (10p's) and 4 ones (1p's). We then drew our own cherry models to help us and used reasoning to help us explain our answers. Finallly we completed our destination questions in our books. 

Our Bookmarks in Elm Class

By Elm Class, in Year 2 - Friday, 6 September 2024

We have really enjoyed our first week in Year 2. We have took part in lots of fun, learning activites. We made bookmarks using our Year 1 and 2 common exception words. We picked the words which we find tricky, and will use our bookmark to help us with reading and spelling. We made them colourful and decorated the bookmarks. We have had the best week learning, completing PE, writing about our holiday, using resources at break time and using paint for self potraits!

This is me day in Fir class!

By Fir class, in Year 2 - Tuesday, 9 July 2024

To start the day off, we looked at the story 'Amazing' by Steve Antony and discussed how Zibbo was a good friend. We identifed that Zibbo was different but that he made his friend happy. We then made our own dragon puppets and when we opened the dragon, we wrote about our special abilities. We also had circle time to discuss what makes us special and loved sharing what makes us different. We were very honest and brave! 

It is Me Day

By Elder Class, in Year 2 - Tuesday, 9 July 2024

We have had a great day thinking about why we are all so Amazing! We listened to the story Amazing by Steve Antony and then made dragons of our own. We all learnt something new about each other and what makes us all special.

We have had the best day!

Allotment Trip

By Elder Class, in Year 2 - Tuesday, 9 July 2024

Elder Class had an amazing time visiting our local allotment. We were able to plant radish and rocket seeds. We also saw a scarecrow, a green house, apple trees and pears trees. We learnt how to keep slugs away from plants and why insects like to live on allotments. 

To the allotment!

By Elm class , in Year 2 - Tuesday, 9 July 2024

We had a great time visiting the allotments today! 

We were shown around by some very knowledgable gardeners who answered all of our questioned and showed us many wonderful plants and vegetables that were growing in their gardens. 

Did you know there are over 30 types of pear tree and over 2500 types of apple tree! 

We saw lots of wildlife too, including some tiny forgs.