Reaching high for the best for your child

School Blog Year 2

School Blog

Year 2

The blog for Elm, Elder & Fir
Mrs Marlow, Mrs Edwards and Mrs Mclean

Our Character Descriptions of James and the Giant Peach

By Fir Class, in Year 2 - Friday, 26 April 2024

We made character descriptions of the characters from James and the Giant Peach. The characters included James, Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker. We made sure we used expanded noun phrases to describe the characters and conjunctions to extend our sentences. We then took our time writing up our descriptions in our best handwriting. We have made a beautiful display in the upper school entrance if you would like to see it!


By Elm Class, in Year 2 - Tuesday, 23 April 2024

During RE, we discussed what the term 'belonging' means and how it feels to belong. We identified that some people may feel a sense of belonging when they visit their spiritual place. For example, Muslims who visit their Mosque. We then shared where we felt we belonged and all agreed we belong in Elm class! 

Amazing Australian Morning

By Elder Class, in Year 2 - Monday, 25 March 2024

Elder Class had a fabulous morning thinking about Australia and all the things we had learned this half term. Our adults came in and helped us make some Australian Art and some split pin Australin animals. Then we visited Reception to help us think about different animal habitats and finally we made some boomerangs and didgeridoos.  

Our Amazing Australian Activity Morning

By Fir Class, in Year 2 - Friday, 22 March 2024

In year 2, our parents joined us to take part in an 'Amazing Australian Activity' WOW morning. We used spilt pins to create Australian animals, we made Australian paintings and decorated boomerangs. Afterwards, we continued being creative and made didgeridoos in class. We had the best morning! 

No Outsiders!

By Fir Class, in Year 2 - Thursday, 21 March 2024

Today we are celebrating 'World Down Syndrome Day' so we are wearing brightly coloured socks. We have been learning about how it is okay to be different in our No Outsiders lesson. We discussed different stereotypes. Why should Repunzal always have long, blonde hair? Why does Elsa also look this? We discussed how we could make these characters different to their usual stereotypes. In Fir class, we made pictures with our new creations! 

Borough Bear Story Competition

By Elder Class, in Year 2 - Monday, 18 March 2024

 Elder Class is super proud of Atiksh as he wrote an amzing story about Borough Bear and his adventures with his friend Atiksh and won first prize!

Luke from Stevenage Borough came to school to give Atiksh all these wonderful goodies and Mr Staples awarded him a gold Head Teachers award.

Well Done Atiksh! 

Oceans and continents!

By Elm Class, in Year 2 - Wednesday, 13 March 2024

In geography, we have been learning all about the 5 oceans and 7 continents. We can now place them on a map and identify some facts about each one. 

Did you know the Indian ocean is the warmest? 

Did you know Asia is the biggest continent? 

We've enjoyed learning some songs on youtube to help us remember their names. If you would like to sing along with us, search for '5 oceans song' and '7 continents song'.

World Book Day!

By Fir Class, in Year 2 - Friday, 8 March 2024

On World Book Day, we looked at the story 'The Smeds and The Smoos' by Julia Donaldson. We learnt from the story that just because you are different, it does not mean you can't play with each other. We should be kind to each other and that the world would be very boring if we all looked the same! We made rockets using toilet tubes to help Bill and Janet get back to their families and we also made wanted posters to help find them.

The link to our story:



World Book Day in Elder class!

By Elder Class, in Year 2 - Thursday, 7 March 2024

We've had such a exciting day celebrating World Book Day in Elder class. We spent the day completing activites  the based on the book, 'On the way home' by Jill Murphy.

In the morning, the children thought of ideas and created their own comic strip based on the story. Then in the afternoon they were busy taking part in a carousel of activites! The activities included making a crocodile paper chain, finding facts about animals then designing a fact sheet, completing a wanted poster to find the animals and lastly they had a go at designing their own safe playground.

If you'd like to listen to the story and share it with your child at home, the link is shown below.



Gathering data

By Elm class, in Year 2 - Thursday, 29 February 2024

In computing, we looked at pictograms and learnt how to gather data using pictures. 

We then created our own tally charts and asked each other questions such as: 

"What is your favourite animal?"  and  "What is your favourite snack?"

Dolphin was one of the most popular animals and strawberries were a favourite fruit!