Reaching high for the best for your child

News page 15


Friday, 14 February 2020

Today we held the launch event for our new TT Rockstars initiative, which will turn all our children in TIMES TABLES ROCK HEROS!

The children and staff looked amazing dressed up as rock stars and we all learned how to play air guitar!

We then spent the day doing loads of exciting maths and finding out more about the TT Rockstars app... please keep an eye out for the school comms message which will tell you all about this, how to login at home and how to help your child.

We are consulting on our Relationships, Sex and Health Education policy

Thursday, 6 February 2020


From September 2020, all primary schools in the UK are required by law to deliver mandatory relationships and health education, and must clearly communicate how this relates to sex education provided by the school.

Some definitions:

- relationships education is teaching about the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, with particular reference to friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other children and with adults.

- health education is teaching pupils about physical health and mental wellbeing to give children the information that they need to make good decisions about their own health and wellbeing. 

- sex education (at primary school) is teaching about the facts of human sexual reproduction. 


To make this clear for parents and carers, we have written a new Relationships, Sex and Health Education Policy, which explains how these new requirements fit in to other parts of the curriculum: including our values education approach, science, online safety and computing, and physical education.

It is really important that we hear your views about this policy and we are running a consultation until the 13th March. Please let us know your thoughts and any ideas you have to ensure we deliver our curriculum in an age-appropriate way for children, and providing support for parent, carers and teachers.

We will be discussing this at parent forum, so please let us know what you think by emailing, or making an appointment to meet with your phase deputy headteacher.

Memorable Maths!

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Each term, we have a whole school focus for improvement, and for the spring term we are focusing on Making Maths Memorable!

Every single member of staff has come up with something to do that will inspire the children to remember the core maths knowledge that they should know by the end of each year group


We need your help too! Keep and eye out for information coming home on the home learning flyers, which will give you ideas of how you can help.


Did you know, for example, that by the end of Year 6, ALL children must know how to convert between the commonly used imperial and metric measurements in the picture above?

Do you know how to do this? Try to find times at home where you can introduce this to your child, at an age-appropriate level, of course! Check back a few days later and see if they have remembered it!

Vote for Fairlands when you shop at ASDA!

Tuesday, 7 January 2020

Important news! Fairlands is currently one of the nominees for the community pool at ASDA in Stevenage. 

When you shop, you will get a green token which you can use to vote for Fairlands. 

If we win, we will be awarded some funding which we will use to install an outdoor gym for the children.

So please, get shopping and get voting!

Welcome Back!

Tuesday, 7 January 2020

Merry Christmas!

Friday, 20 December 2019

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday!

Thank you to all the staff, parents and children for being so WONDERFUL!

See you in the New Year!