Reaching high for the best for your child

School Blog Year 3 M is for Modern Art!

School Blog

Year 3

The blog for Hazel, Hornbeam & Holly
Miss Ferguson, Mrs Marlow and Mrs Johnson

M is for Modern Art!

By Year 3 , in Year 3 - Monday, 6 February 2023

Today we celebrated Modern Art in year 3. We learnt about the artistic styles of Matisse, Mondrian and Monet. Once we read a bit about them, we attempted to create our own pieces in their style. We used paint, paper and pastels to create our artworks.

We thought that all of these artists had to work hard to achieve their success because not everyone believed in them. They reminded us that it is important to always be yourself even if it means being different to others. It’s ok to stand out!

We also took a virtual tour through the TATE modern and discovered some artists within the LGBTQ+ community. They all created art that allowed them to express who they were inside which was really inspiring.