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School Blog Year 3 Passion week in Holly Class

School Blog

Year 3

The blog for Hazel, Hornbeam & Holly
Miss Ferguson, Mrs Marlow and Mrs Johnson

Passion week in Holly Class

By Holly Class, in Year 3 - Friday, 24 February 2023

Mrs Toll’s passion is movement, meditation and mindfulness!

We practised some art related to mindfulness and meditation which helped us to relax or calm after a busy lunch time!


We tried lots of different types of movement: cross fit, Hiit, dance and Mrs Toll’s favourite – Yoga! We read the monkey puzzle and incorporated moves inspired by the different animals in our yoga sequence. Mrs Toll also shared some of her moves and the yoga she does with her own children.

Finally, we ended by sharing our own passions and learnt we are an active bunch as lots of us are passionate about different sports. We also found that many of us enjoyed drawing and writing our own stories.


What different passiosn are there amongst the members of your family?