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School Blog Year 4 Teaching Talons

School Blog

Year 4

The blog for Lime, Larch & Laburnum
Miss Shields, Mrs Herron and Miss Mead

Teaching Talons

By Miss Newman , in Year 4 - Tuesday, 18 April 2023

Our topic for this term is Rainforests! Today we had some very special visitors come in to show us lots of Rainforest animals. We saw a Gecko named Custard, an African bullfrog, 2 Madagascar hissing Cockroaches, a Millipede, a Jungle nymph stick insect and even a Boa constrictor snake! We were able to get up close and handle the animals if we wanted to, the millipede tickled our hands which made lots of us giggle. In the afternoon we made fact files of our favourite animal from the day and had a go at drawing the animals to see if we could capture all of the wonderful patterns they had.