Reaching high for the best for your child

School Blog Year 5 Stop! Police!

School Blog

Year 5

The blog for Pine, Poplar & Spruce
Mrs Madden, Miss Newman and Mrs Allan

Stop! Police!

By Mrs Allan, in Year 5 - Friday, 20 January 2023

This week saw the police heading over to Fairlands Primary School.  Fear not, they were not here to arrest anyone!  Over the next 6 weeks, year 5 are taking part in a police awareness course run by the Hertfordshire Police Force.  Today the children learned how a police officer takes notes at the scene of a crime.  They were also given a high vis police vest to wear during the lesson.  They certainly looked the part.

We have also continued to delve into the beautiful Midnight Fair book.  This week we have been planning a recount of events from the perspective of one of the animals and the children have come up with some wonderful ideas and expressions.  We have been concentrating on starting our sentences with fronted adverbial and including an expanded noun phrase.  See if your child can give you some examples!