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School Blog Year 5 Water resistance

School Blog

Year 5

The blog for Pine, Poplar & Spruce
Mrs Madden, Miss Newman and Mrs Allan

Water resistance

By Mr Holgate, in Year 5 - Friday, 18 November 2022

This afternoon in science, we continued our learning about different Forces, by looking in particular at water resistance. After a brief conversation about what it is, where we can see it in everyday life and why it might be useful, we completed a short experiment to test it!


Groups were chosen and tasked with setting up and completing the experient. It was fantastic to see how independent all groups were in collecting results, ensuring a fair test was completed and like with every experiment.. a large amount of problem solving! 


They ended up shaping Salt-dough into different shapes to test how long it took for them to sink. The longer it took to hit the bottom, meant there was more water resistance present. Next lesson, we will spend further time understanding and conclusion our results.